Freedom of Information

FOI Statement

The Victorian Freedom of Information Act 1982 provides you with the right to request information held by the Workplace Injury Commission (WIC).

The Act also gives you the right to request that any incorrect or misleading information held by WIC about you, is amended.

Before submitting a FOI request

WIC makes information available online wherever possible. We encourage applicants to check whether the information is already publicly available, for example information in our Annual Report. Please also check the headings below for help with specific information.

Submitting a FOI request

FOI requests must be submitted using the FOI Request Form and accompanied by the application fee.

FOI requests must be specific enough to enable us to identify the documents as quickly and efficiently as possible. If for any reason your request is unclear, we may ask you to clarify the request. Try to be specific by adding information such as dates or a reference or case number.


FOI requests must be accompanied by the application fee. The application fee, as at July 2024 is $32.70.

The application fee is subject to an increase on 1 July every year.

The fee may be waived in cases where payment would cause you financial hardship. You can request the fee be waived by providing evidence of hardships, for example, a concession or health care card.

If documents need to be retrieved or photocopied, additional access charges may apply. Access charges are calculated in accordance with the Act.

GST is not payable on any application fees or access charges under the Act.

Processing your request

When we receive your request, we will review it promptly and contact you if further information is needed.

Once we have a valid and confirmed request, we will endeavour to process it within the required timeframe.

If any documents or parts of documents are considered by us to be exempt under the Act, we will explain the reasons in our written decision letter.


The FOI Officer or delegate will manage all correspondence and communications with applicants.

Submit FOI requests to the FOI Officer, by email or post using the FOI Request Form.


Post: Workplace Injury Commission, GPO Box 251, Melbourne 3001

For further support contact 03 9940 1111.

Additional information

The Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC) provides independent advice to the community on Freedom of Information. OVIC can investigate and mange complaints about FOI requests, and independently review FOI decisions. More information about FOI and the role of OVIC is available from the OVIC website.